Williamson County, Tennessee DUI Attorney
If you have been arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (commonly referred to as DUI or Drunk Driving) you should consult with a criminal defense attorney knowledgeable in the law and familiar with the legal atmosphere and the courtroom in which you will appear. While located in Franklin in Williamson County, John M. Milazo at Milazo Law, P.C. has been defending DUI charges throughout Middle Tennessee for more than 14 years. Call John Milazo at (615) 599-7719 to schedule a Free Initial Consultation to discuss your arrest for DUI and to determine the best defense you may have and to devise a strategy that may successfully defeat your case, or click below to leave us a message through this website and we will contact you shortly.
For aggressive representation and an attorney who is committed to defending the rights of his clients in any DUI or more serious offense call John Milazo of the Franklin TN law firm of Milazo Law, P. C. located in Williamson County at (615) 599-7719.
You should meet with your attorney to determine whether your DUI Arrest may be successfully defended and must work with your lawyer to determine all of the defenses you may have to your charge of DUI. Whether it is a first offense, second offense, or third offense DUI, you and your lawyer must first determine whether the police officers violated any of your rights. An experienced DUI attorney, properly trained in the delivery field sobriety tasks can then determine if the officers properly administered and interpreted the results of your performance on these tasks. If you submitted yourself to a breathalyzer or blood test, your lawyer must determine whether you were properly advised of your rights and obligations with respect to the Implied Consent Law. Also, your DUI Defense Attorney must ascertain whether these tests were performed properly and if the equipment and/or supplies were properly maintained and stored. John Milazo, of the Franklin, TN law firm Milazo Law, P.C., located in Williamson County, has the knowledge, training, and experience necessary to successfully defend you if you have been charged with DUI.
DUI Defense Lawyer | Columbia TN Lawyer | Maury County DUI Defense
A DUI arrest can be embarrassing and may have an impact on your employment. A DUI conviction carries serious consequences including mandatory jail time. Even a 1st Offense DUI carries a minimum of 48 hours in jail and will suspend your driver's license for one year. You should not wait to consult with an attorney. At Milazo Law our initial consultation with John Milazo is free, which allows you to better understand the potential consequences of the crimes with which you are charged and allows us to assess your case. Each case has different circumstances and each person has different priorities in a case. We will represent, defend and assist you in this process while keeping your priorities in mind. The process of representing someone for DUI may range from negotiating the best plea agreement possible or taking the case to trial. We have the experience to represent and defend you throughout this process as we have handled DUI cases at all stages of prosecution. While we advise our clients as to their rights and the legal consequences of a case, the decision of entering into a plea agreement or proceeding to trial always belongs to the client.
Fight for your rights and hire an experienced attorney who has been trained the same way the cops are trained and who can spot their mistakes. John Milazo has this training and would be happy to speak with you about the circumstances of your arrest and how we may help you beat the DUI you are now facing. Call (615) 599-7719 today or click below to leave a message through this site and we are glad to contact you shortly to set up your Free Initial Consultation.

If you are charged with DUI, we first determine if the Police had the right to stop the vehicle, detain the driver, administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tasks and/or administer a chemical test. If Field Sobriety Tasks were administered, it is essential to have an experienced trial attorney determine if the tasks were properly administered. You must be placed under arrest for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs before the Police have the right to request a chemical Blood Alcohol Content test (BAC) such as the breathalyzer or even an actual blood test. You have the right to refuse the chemical test; however, you may be charged with violating the Implied Consent Law and your driver license may be revoked for refusing to submit to the test. Even if you have submitted to a Blood Alcohol Content test to determine the level of alcohol or drugs in your blood, there are factors related to the arrest that could allow that evidence to be suppressed and prohibit the prosecutor from using that evidence against you. Only an experienced DUI Defense Attorney can determine whether your DUI Arrest can be successfully defended.
Spring Hill TN DUI Defense Lawyer | Williamson County | Maury County
We investigate and assess a DUI charge carefully because a conviction carries punishments which include mandatory jail sentences, mandatory minimum fines, probation, a loss of driving privileges and will require that you obtain high risk (SR-22) insurance to reinstate your driving privileges.
If you have been arrested and charged with DUI Contact Us at Milazo Law to discuss your case with John Milazo, an attorney with 14 years experience defending DUI arrests located in downtown Franklin in Williamson County, Tennessee.