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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Franklin, TN

Williamson County Criminal Defense Attorneys

A criminal arrest can permanently negatively impact your future. Employers may not hire an individual with a criminal record even if many years have passed since his or her last conviction. A criminal record may impact your ability to gain custody or visitation with your child or children or even impede your ability to obtain housing in the public or private sector. To defend yourself against a criminal charge you need an experienced trial attorney who has helped hundreds of people charged with misdemeanors and serious felony offenses. To best protect your criminal record and best defend yourself against a criminal arrest call Milazo Law P. C., and let them put his experience to work for you.

All too often individuals underestimate the impact on their life a criminal arrest may have. Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor such as shoplifting, a domestic violence assault or a DUI, or a felony such as sex offense or serious violent crime, it is important that you consult with an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney like John M. Milazo and Misty D. Parks of Milazo Law, P.C., located in Franklin, Tennessee in Williamson County for your Free Initial Consultation in order to discuss your rights and determine the best approach to mounting a successful defense against your criminal charges. You may contact Milazo Law, P.C. at (615) 599-7719 or click below to leave a message through this website which we will return shortly.

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Williamson County TN Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you are charged or arrested with a misdemeanor criminal offense in Williamson County TN you will likely have your first court appearance at the Judicial Center in Franklin TN or in Fairview City Court. It is important to Defend your rights with a Lawyer who is looking out for your best interests.

The attorneys of Milazo Law, P.C. have over 38 years combined experience in defending individuals like yourself against a wide array of criminal offenses in and around Franklin, Tennessee, Williamson County and all of the surrounding counties in the Middle Tennessee Area. Drawing from this vast experience our attorneys can more effectively evaluate your unique scenario and determine the most appropriate course of action. In criminal defense there are some matters in which it is best to lead off with an aggressive posture and affirmatively defend a client's actions by aggressively attacking the State's witnesses and their theory of the case. However, this approach taken in matters in which a client has behaved inappropriately, given statements and other evidence against their own interests, and or committed an offense in the presence of credible witnesses may negatively impact a client's outcome in the case. It is important that you, as a person charged with a criminal offense, seek an experienced trial attorney willing and capable of devoting the appropriate and necessary amount of time and resources toward your matter at all phases of the representation.

At Milazo Law, P.C. you will first meet with John M. Milazo or Misty D. Parks in person or by a telephone conference during which your matter will be discussed in confidence in detail and you will be given a quoted initial retainer fee, traditionally a flat fee in a criminal fee. Further, you will discuss your possible defenses to the matter with which you are charged and the possible outcomes which one can anticipate resulting from your unique set of facts. After having retained John M. Milazo or Misty D. Parks of the Franklin, Tennessee law firm of Milazo Law, P.C., you will discuss your matter in much further detail and thoroughly evaluate all of your defenses to the matter with which you are charged and narrow your potential outcomes to the one which would best suit your purpose.

Certainly in every case outright dismissal of all charges is the goal of representation, when this is not a realistic possibility it is important that your exposure is minimized to the greatest extent that it can be. Each person may be negatively impacted by a criminal conviction or criminal arrest in their own unique way. Some individuals may be more motivated by retaining their employment while others may be most concerned about their limits on travel or privileges such as the ability to own or possess a firearm. Your unique circumstances and the specific facts of your matter will be carefully considered in devising the best strategy of representation on your behalf.

An experienced criminal defense lawyer such as Milazo Law, P.C. located in Franklin, TN in Williamson County will often guide you through this process with suggestions that you improve your position by altering your behavior or circumstances. This may include:

  • alcohol and/or drug counseling classes or 12 step meetings,
  • an anger management assessment or counseling,
  • couples counseling,
  • mental health evaluations,
  • course correction in education or employment
  • or even a modification of one's personal appearance.

These changes in one's behavior and lifestyle often prove to be the key in obtaining a favorable outcome on behalf of a client who otherwise might not have been so fortunate. It is the communication between the experienced criminal defense attorney and the motivated client that leads to strategies such as these, which, after having been implemented by the client, are laid before the prosecuting attorney and the Court giving them the proper motivation to exercise the discretion bestowed in them.

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Maury County | Columbia TN Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Maury County Criminal Court is very different than many others. All Mt. Pleasant arrests, as well as, many Spring Hill Police cases, Columbia Police and Maury County Sher riff's Department arrests are heard in Mt. Pleasant City Court, not at the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia TN. If you are charged with a misdemeanor criminal offense like DUI, Assault, Domestic Assault, Simple Possession of Marijuana or other Drugs or Shoplifting; or if you have been rested for a more serious felony charge such as Vehicular Assault, Aggravated Assault, Sale or Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Sex Offense or Murder your General Sessions Court Appearance may be in either Mt. Pleasant City Court or in Columbia TN. All indictments are heard at the Maury County Courthouse by one of the Circuit Court Judges. John Milazo and Misty Parks have appeared in these courts for many years and are familiar with the small town cadence. Judges in this jurisdiction require the same procedural prowess of larger cities, but give an ear to detail with a compassion unique to a community that ranges from rural to urban as does Maury County. Tennessee.